Saturday, May 30, 2009


All of my shows have had their season finales already. So, I've been looking for some other show I can get free episodes from online. I admit that I've really been getting into The OC.

FIRST of all, don't hate.

SECONDLY, they mentioned Corona. It was hilarious. If I recall correctly, the line was "Man, that kid wouldn't last 2 seconds in Corona". HAH!

When I entered Corona, CA in Google images, here's what came up first:


I will continue to watch, but if one more reference is made as to Corona being some type of ghetto, I will write to the creators in hopes they will double check their geography.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm Sorry.

At the 19th second, you'll realize why this video is indeed, worthwhile. I especially love how the keyboard player tries to cover it up by coincidentally taking over the lead vocals. Enjoy.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Facebook's "The Office" Quiz.

Your Result: Kelly Kapoor


You are a nice person at heart but you can get really annoying. Did i mention that your annoying? You really are a nice person though if your friends can just get past your quirks, like talking to much.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day.

Ryan's church teams up with the community and Veterans of Lake Elsinore to put on one heck of a Memorial Day service. THANKS to those brave men and women who gave their lives to serve our country.


My sweet directing the choir and such.

Fly over (Missing Man Formation)

THEN I went to a kick ace bbq/pool party at the she-shack. We played a game called Things. A night full of laughter and fun, but no pictures. Boo.

Good day.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I Said Maybe.

Everybody loves Wonderwall by Oasis.

This cover song makes my hairs stand. Take a listen.

Maybe It's the Stache.

Went to go see Dance Flick last night- that movie was a bust (shocker).

However, to promote the new Jack Black film Year One, there was this picture. And I couldn't resist...

One of the guys at the snack counter yelled "Oh my god, it's Jack Black!!"

Please note: (silly faces aside) my man is sexier in real life, no offense, Jack.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Heads Up.

I call dibs on Storm from X-men for Halloween.

A couple of us have already started to form the group. I believe Wolverine and Rogue are already taken.

If you want in, you better make it legit.

Costumes are a serious commitment when rolling with a posse of elite status such as the X-men.

Too early to speak of Halloween? I think not.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

July 13th

Incubus @ the Hollywood Bowl.

A rush of excitement is pumping through my veins.

I've been a fan since Drive- but I love everything that came before it just as much as the albums after.

This will be my very first Incubus concert - so, you understand.

Those of you in So Cal or the die-hards that are coming from the boondocks of who know's where...

See you there.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I don't matter anymore...

I've got a bad habit of starting blogs and never posting them. Here's one from this past summer. I think it's pretty significant to life. Enjoy...

Me. My needs. My wants. My opinions. My whatevers. None of it matters.

Even though it's a only a few verses in the Bible that most people would read right over- the prayer of Jabez is my favorite.

[ Read 1 Corinthians 4:9-10] It's only 2 verses and I hyperlinked it for you - so read it.

This guy, Jabez (who's name literally means pain - #1 mom, I know) prayed to God and asked Him to expand his territory. <--- That's serious business right there. I went for a run around my neighborhood (without my ipod) and in that silence I spoke with God and He spoke back and reminded me that it's not about me.

Last summer, right before I left for school, I asked God to do that same thing in my life. [Frick] That's the kind of prayer that you don't mess around with because God did JUST THAT.

This past year has been a stretching/pulling/expanding time for me. Things that have always been constant in my life have been shaken and stirred into a whole different ball game.

Then, just when I had forgotten, God reminded me that all of this had NOTHING to do with what I was comfortable with//needed///wanted. It had EVERYTHING to do with expanding my territory, for His glory and honor.

So here I am, stretched/pulled/expanded & ready for this new territory God has given me.